by slshalko


4.59 usd

The presented program allows to calculate the predicted values ​​of the quality indicators of technical oils:- viscosity of a mixture of two oils, determine the viscosity and the amount of one oil   according to known data for the mixture and the second oil;- viscosity index of technical oil in accordance with ISO 2909-81;- determination of the alkaline number (TBN) of the engine oil when it is prepared in   Depending on the quality of the additive and oil (basic or semi-finished product);- "Elementary composition" of motor oil when it is prepared in dependence    from qualitative indicators of additive and oil (basic or    semi-finished product). Information on qualitative indicators can be taken from    quality passports or determined by laboratory tests- calculation of the viscosity of a mixture of basic mineral or other oils with  viscosity modifiers (thickeners). The software module allows  predict the viscosity of the finished oil at 100 and 40 gr. Celsius, after   mixing a predetermined amount of base oil with a certain amount  a viscosity modifier;- determination of the oil density at 15 and 20 degrees Celsius according to the known   density and temperature.   The allowed density range is from 650 to 1200 kg / m3.   The temperature range is -40 to 120 degrees Celsius.